Making a Professional and Productive Office Space

Creating a professional and productive office space is an absolute must for any human resources department with clients or customers entering their business. While some offices can keep their work areas …

Tips to Avoid Hiring Mistakes

Human resources professionals juggle many responsibilities on a daily basis and planning to avoid hiring mistakes often gets overlooked. One of the most difficult tasks  for HR professionals is identifying …

3 Tips For Succession Planning and Promoting

Succession planning and promoting is becoming essential for small businesses since promoting younger, and new workers can be difficult. For many small businesses, workers can quickly move up the career …

Training in the Workplace

Employers understand that proper employee training in the workplace is essential for an company’s success. Training topics may include general skills, technical skills, safety procedures, and programs designed to prevent …

How Supervisors Can Help When Dealing with Change

Organizations that do not embrace and manage change in the 21st century’s global economy cannot remain competitive. Most employees, however, are somewhat uncomfortable with change. The future is out of …

Diversity for All Employees

Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce …

10 Ways to Build Employee Engagement

What are the benefits of building an engaged workforce? There are many benefits to building an engaged workforce. Compared to unengaged employees, engaged employees tend to be more productive, stay …

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline helps employees understand and correct violations they have made. It also allows employers to take serious action when warranted. Following these steps helps ensure that discharge is fair …

Grounds for Termination – What You Need to Know

Grounds for Termination The decision to fire an employee is rarely an easy one. Above all, you must be sure that you have sufficient grounds for termination. If you don’t …