
Workers' Comp

Pay as you owe premiums, not an up-front estimation of premiums. Find the coverage that works for your industry!

woman sitting at desk on her computer
Pictured: Claudia Sandoval, Administrative Assistant

Workers Comp Support Services

When an injury happens at the worksite, what do you do? Call us – we will communicate with your Workers Compensation Insurance carrier. As a result, ensuring the first report of injury and all other required information gets submitted promptly.

What's my next step?

Click the button, fill out the form and figure out what services best fit your needs!


Injured Employee, What Now?

  • Call 911

    If it is a true emergency call 911
    Dial: 911

  • Contact My HR Pros

    Tell us you have an injured employee
    Call Us: 479.474.7752

What Does My HR Pros Do?

  • Assist in coordinating where the injured employee needs to go and can schedule an appointment with the clinic.
  • We send you the necessary forms you need to complete for the carrier/adjuster.
  • We file the claim with the carrier.
  • If necessary, we file the claim with OSHA.
  • Receive assistance with OSHA investigations into the injury, if necessary.
  • We continually follow up with you to determine the work status of the injured employee.
  • We work directly with the claim’s adjuster to provide any wages, billings, or statements necessary.
  • Once the employee is back to full duty, we will document the injury on the required OSHA logs.

**FMLA Leave due to a workers compensation injury is included in our Enhanced HR. Or hourly rates are available if FMLA assistance is needed.**

Want to learn more about our services and how they can benefit your company?  Click the link to schedule a FREE demo!

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