
HR Questions to Ask When Evaluating Candidates

Screening candidates is no easy task for those in human resources. A good hire is much more than bringing on someone who has achieved both the educational and professional landscapes. Now companies must assess applicants to determine if they can fit in culturally and be an asset in day-to-day operations. Hiring mistakes happen all the time, but there are ways in which they can be minimized. Fast Company lists several questions that HR professionals need to ask themselves and the candidates they screen. These questions are designed to consistently deliver quality candidates who can benefit the company from day one. Here are three HR questions to ask when evaluating candidates:

1.What time did they arrive for the interview?

There is a saying that goes, “If you’re on time, then you’re late.” If a candidate arrives early for an interview, it demonstrates discipline and accountability, two valuable personality traits. Arriving directly on time or a few minutes after may be a potential red flag.

2.What were other workers’ impressions?

Peer reviews are a great way to determine if a candidate will be a good fit. Many people will put their best foot forward with HR, but peers may have another perspective. Try utilizing employees who currently perform the exact job the potential employee is interviewing for through the hiring process. These individuals tend to have a better sense of whether someone will be a good employee. Their feedback is invaluable.

3.Do they demonstrate professional stability?

When reviewing the resume of a candidate who appears to switch jobs often, it’s crucial to uncover why. People who seem to jump from one opportunity to the next without good reason may not be the kind of person a company would want to employ.

The value of good candidate communication

Setting clear and specific expectations concerning performance and cultural fit can be advantageous when conducting screenings. To address this, Visibility Software suggests clearly explaining what the day-to-day activity of a role will entail. Additionally, it would also be beneficial to inform candidates that specific skills and abilities will outweigh others, such as fitting into a team. Communicating this will give potential employees a clearer picture of how the hiring process will go.

No company is immune from having bad hires – it’s an inevitable part of the business process. However, by giving extensive HR training that encompasses identifying individuals who mesh well with organizational goals, hiring mistakes can be limited by a large margin.

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