
OSHA Compliance

Most employers agree that their workplace should be as safe as possible and that employees should not take safety lightly.  The government created an agency known as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to address workplace-related injuries and fatalities further.  As a result, this agency has taken the desire for increased workplace safety and translates it into reliable, written standards enforceable by law.  Many components go into an OSHA compliance safety program, making the program quite overwhelming more often than not.

It is easy to assume that OSHA compliance is achieved simply by following the applicable Code of Federal Regulations. 1910 for General Industry, 1926 for Construction Industry, and 1928 for Agriculture.  Being compliant with these regulations is a great start but does not ensure full OSHA Compliance.

Did you know that OSHA has other enforcement tools?
  • Incorporation by Reference
  • Letters of Interpretation
  • General Duty Clause
  • Compliance Directives
  • Standard Interpretations’

Operating a business in modern times and trying to focus on all of the daily activities can be a monumental task. Tasks such as employee turnover, finances, time management, marketing, and keeping up with new technologies can overwhelm any business.  On top of that, trying to operate a workplace safely while complying with OSHA standards can be extremely time-consuming.

Do not let workplace safety and OSHA compliance take a back seat.  The staff at My HR Professionals are always ready to help with OSHA compliance. Receive in-depth onsite occupational safety and loss control inspections or employee training across a broad spectrum of safety-related topics. Also available is OSHA record-keeping, assistance with developing relevant OSHA compliant programs, incident and near-miss investigations. My HR Professionals are here to help with any regulatory inspections and required responses and third-party safety administration assistance.

OSHA compliance is a complex maze that requires intimate knowledge of the business and the relevant guidance standards.  Workplace safety must be a continued effort that evolves as companies grow, business models change, or there are modified or added regulations.

Business owners or operators need to be asking themselves a few questions.
  • Is my workplace safe for my employees and customers?
  • Am I compliant with relevant local, state, and federal written standards for my given industry?
  • Is my safety program constantly evolving?

In conclusion, if you cannot answer these questions “yes” give us a call, we will be glad to help! | (479) 474-7752 | Contact Us – Form

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