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Employee Benefits Service Details in Arkansas & Serving the Nation

Eligibility Notification:

  • My HR Pros sends clients a notification once an employee satisfies their benefits waiting period. As an optional add-on, we can send an eligibility packet to the individual employee's mailing address for an additional charge.

Benefits Enrollment Guide:

  • My HR Pros can create a customized benefits administration enrollment guide specific to your company. The guide provides a better enrollment tool for newly eligible employees.

Internal Summary Sheet for Full Administration Accounts:

  • A detailed, internal informational sheet is created for each full benefits administration client. This contains all information regarding benefits.

Enrollment and Changes Management:

  • My HR Pros provides enrollment management for qualifying events and newly eligible employees.
    We do this by obtaining enrollment forms from:
  • the employee/client
  • enrolling the employee with each carrier
  • entering deductions in our payroll system
  • distributing insurance cards and summary plan documents to employees

Termination Reporting:

  • My HR Pros notifies all carriers to end coverage once an employee has been terminated.

Benefits Compliance Research:

  • My HR Pros will assist our clients with all benefit compliance questions.

Assist in Annual Plan Renewals:

  • During your company's annual renewal period, My HR Pros will assist your insurance agent in enrollment. We create and provide any requested forms and ensure your employees are enrolled for the new plan year.

Monthly Insurance Premium Reconciliation and Payment:

  • My HR Pros will:
  • reconcile your company’s insurance invoices
  • remit payment to insurance carriers
  • calculate and setup any missed premiums and/or refunds monthly

Completion of Verification of Insurance Forms:

  • My HR Pros will complete and respond to insurance verification for all clients.

Determining and Enforcing Qualified Medical Child Support Orders:

  • Our benefits administration specialists will determine the validity of Medical Support Notices, process, and enforce all qualified medical child support orders. All proper documentation will be sent to the corresponding court within the court-established time frame.

Life Insurance Conversion/ Portability Right Notification:

  • My HR Pros notifies employees of life insurance portability/conversion rights upon termination of employment.

State Continuation and COBRA Compliance:

  • My HR Pros provides State Continuation and COBRA administration compliance.

    COBRA Administration consists of:

  • delivering initial rights notification upon enrollment with coverage
  • sending election notices at the time of a qualifying event
  • processing federal premium subsidy approval or denial
  • processing Federal payroll tax credit
  • activating coverage with the insurance carriers and tracking payments
  • activating coverage with the insurance carriers and tracking payments
  • sending termination letters once an employee is no longer eligible

Cafeteria Plan Compliance:

  • According to IRS regulations, any company that allows benefits to be deducted on a pre-tax basis must have a Cafeteria Plan Document. The document specifies the benefits offered pre-tax, the eligibility period, and the company's plan year.

    We create and administer your company's Cafeteria Plan Document to ensure you comply with IRS guidelines.

ERISA Plan Document Compliance:

  • ERISA requires plans to provide participants with information, including important information about plan features and funding.

    My HR Pros provides an ERISA Wrap Plan Document. Further, we distribute the document, and existing plan documents, to eligible employees. These documents constitute the employee.

Annual Medicare D Notification and CMS Reporting:

  • Each year, Medicare has an open enrollment period in which all people eligible for Medicare can join or change their Medicare options.
    Our part:

    My HR Pros completes the required research to determine if a prescription plan is creditable in comparison to the Medicare D prescription plan.

    In addition, we notify employees in regard to the credibility of their plans in comparison to Medicare and discloses this information to CMS by the required October 15th deadline.

Medicare and IRS Data Match Project Research and Response:

  • My HR Pros identifies and reports all Medicare-eligible employees or past employees that are/were enrolled in their company’s health plans. As a result, you can rest assured that the requirement of assisting Medicare and the IRS is met and complete.

Affordable Care Act Compliance Assistance:

(At An Additional Cost)
  • Distribution of mandated government notices concerning health and welfare plans, including the SBC.
  • Completion and distribution of the Health Insurance Marketplace notice to employees.
  • Medical Loss Ratio allocation calculations and money dispersal.
  • Keep clients up to date with mandate requirements as DOL, HHS, and IRS issue them.

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