
Avoid OSHA Citations – 5 Tips

OSHA aims to protect workers, and businesses should invest in their employees’ safety. When OSHA visits, it can damage the businesses’ brand, subject it to fines, and make worker’s safety concerns seem unimportant. Companies should always provide a safe workplace to prevent costly penalties, and avoid OSHA citations.

Here are five tips to avoid OSHA citations:

1. Be Prepared

Nothing will look worse during an OSHA inspection if the company isn’t well prepared. According to Safety Daily Advisor, OSHA posters should be hanging up in the building and a common work area. Safety and risk management should be a priority, and businesses can prepare with documented training courses. In addition, safety training records should be available for OSHA inspectors and filled out.

2. Keep Pathways Clean

Accidents are what prompt the majority of OSHA visits. Having cluttered hallways, walkways, workstations, and aisles could result in significant fines, reported Business Legal Resource. Inspectors will be looking for any potentially hazardous environment for workers. Most importantly, have a clean and tidy workplace to reduce the risk of employee injuries on the job, especially around heavy machinery.

3. Ensure Safety Training for Workers

Employees should receive training in handling an accident at work and know whom to contact in case of an emergency. According to EHS Today, nearly 60 to 70 percent of OSHA inspections are due to employee complaints. This percentage shows employers’ need to focus on getting workers to contact their company representatives for safety support. In conclusion, employees need to know their employer cares about their safety and building employee confidence can help reduce calls to OSHA.

4. Put Away Materials When They are Not in Use

It might seem like the simplest of tasks, but multiple tripping accidents happen each year from open drawers to equipment on the ground. According to BLR, all tools, equipment, and materials should be immediately put away after use to reduce employees’ injury risk. If some liquid spills, workers should have someone ready to clean it immediately to prevent slips and trips.

5. Mark High Hazard Areas

While some employees might know all the dangerous areas surrounding the workplace, hazardous area still need signs. OSHA will likely fine companies that don’t have warnings on hazardous equipment or dangerous areas in the buildings.

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