
5 Steps for Successful Employee Onboarding

When employee onboarding is used correctly, businesses usually see a positive ripple-effect on new hire’s morale. The first day is usually the most important for new hires. Making them feel welcome can go a long way in their first few days with the company. Here are five steps for human resources to plan successful employee onboarding:

1. Give workers attention

Employees are typically nervous and a little on edge in their first few days at a new job. Employers can settle these nerves by giving their undivided attention. According to Career Builder, if an HR worker does not give them the proper attention they deserve, it can quickly ruin a worker’s morale. When phone calls, emails, and other distractions get in the way, workers feel less welcomed in their new job. Often leaving them to believe they’re unappreciated, causing problems right from the beginning.

2.Address the little things

There’s no detail too small or too big when creating a successful employee onboarding plan for new hires. According to Human Resources Director Magazine, essential things like formal employee orientation programs and written onboarding plans are necessary for organizations and new hires. On the other hand, the smallest things can ease the tension on their first day. Like making sure the new hire’s workstation is fully operational or showing employees where the bathrooms are located.

3.Have all forms ready

There is nothing worse a company can do than lack preparation when onboarding a new employee. When companies aren’t ready on the first day, they make new hires feel unappreciated. Also, making the business seem unprofessional. According to Career Builder, HR directors should have all the proper payroll, benefits, and new hire forms ready on day one.

4.Take new hires out to lunch

Organization leaders and HR departments should plan a lunch date with new hires within the first month of their first day. According to HRD Magazine, when company leaders take the time to meet new hires personally, they will respect the business more. Having new hires with high respect for the business ultimately creates a better company culture. It’s essential for business administrators and HR directors to make the first few weeks special for new hires to help retention rates down the road.


Workers will eventually need to know whom to contact for different work issues. On the first day, introductions should be made. Businesses should also consider introducing new hires to the employees they will be working closely with within the coming days. HR directors should have teams meet and create conversations, so everyone gets to know each other better and feel more welcomed.

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