
3 Tips For Succession Planning and Promoting

Succession planning and promoting is becoming essential for small businesses since promoting younger, and new workers can be difficult. For many small businesses, workers can quickly move up the career ladder. In contrast, it can be a much longer process for larger size companies.

However, some companies are not ready to promote their talent to the next position. According to a Korn Ferry survey, 30 percent of surveyed senior-level executives said their talent was not ready for promotion.

The survey also found that 61 percent of respondents believe they don’t have the right talent to succeed in the changing global environment. The numbers are daunting for small business owners, but there are ways to help employees move up.

Here are three tips for small businesses on succession planning and promoting:

  1. Create a Defined Career Ladder

It is the responsibility of managers to have a defined career ladder for their workers. As well as the human resources department to make sure it’s valid and obtainable for employees. According to the Houston Chronicle, small businesses should make sure employees can complete the duties of the next positionbefore they promote workers to new roles. Creating a defined career ladder will give employees a visualization of how far and much work they have to do to be considered for other positions and what they can do to get there.

  1. Search for Those Willing to Go Above and Beyond

Employees that leave directly at 5 p.m. are often the kind of worker who isn’t as enthusiastic about staying over a bit to help the team and might not be fit for a promotion. According to the Muse, workers who are willing to stay late, assist with projects, and wait until their work is complete for the day are employees who often care about what they do daily. These are the types of workers who are the ones who make excellent leaders and make teams stand out.

  1. Put Workers in Situations to Find Solutions

An excellent way for small businesses to increase their succession planning strategy is to give workers the chance to show off their decision-making skills. According to the Muse, employees who are ready for promotion often find a solution and don’t complain about it. Workers have to be proactive, and small businesses need to get their workers on the path of problem-solving.


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