
3 Tips for Managing Employee Productivity

Human resource departments know it is essential to be monitoring and managing employee productivity. Ensuring that employees are continually being productive and not wasting work hours. With the increase in technology usage, checking phones, social media, and other websites can cause many distractions while at work.

Here are three tips for managing employee production:

  1. Phone policy

It’s not uncommon for human resources departments to issue workplace policies with smartphones, tablets, and other personal devices. However, some are unsure if creating strict guidelines will do the trick. According to LinkedIn, the average person checks their phone around 150 times a day, which can add up to unnecessary checking at work.

Businesses should consider instituting a phone policy plan that limits the use but doesn’t ban it altogether. Workers will find a way to check their phones. Still, by encouraging them to spend less time on phones and to limit checking them, employers will see a boost in productivity. Businesses should insist on staying away from distractions that affect workflow. Workers will know to make it less of a habit to check their device.

  1. Encourage a happy workplace

It may seem simple, but encouraging a happy workplace can go a long way. According to Monster, higher productivity levels are often associated with happy workers. Employees tend to produce better and higher quality work when they feel comfortable in their workplace.

The less stress put on employees, the happier they will be. Managers and human resources directors should try everything they can to prevent employee burnout. Having happy employees ultimately creates excellent service, which will only help keep customers or clients satisfied.

  1. Don’t go overboard with teamwork policies

A big mistake that human resources workers tend to make is overly encouraging teamwork in the workplace. While it’s fantastic for businesses to see their employees willing and dedicated to helping others at work, sometimes it can prevent other jobs from getting finished.

Going overboard with helpfulness can hinder employee productivity. Workers should only help others when they know their work will not suffer, reported Financial Times Press. Employees have to understand the importance of balancing their work with helping others.

It can be challenging for employees to tell other workers no, but they should be focusing on finishing their work. It’s much more comfortable saying yes, but agreeing to help could affect work in the long run if it’s an ongoing occurrence.


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