
My HR Pros can be your HR Pros

Remember when you first learned how to drive a car? So many bells and whistles to manage, such as turn signals, breaks, steering wheels, etc. Did I forget to mention the goal of not hitting a curb? After some time and experience under your belt, driving becomes second nature. Starting and operating a business is the same, right?… Sure!… But for companies with employees, their car is full of wild monkeys who keep trying to grab the wheel and run it off the road, thus causing them to spill coffee all over their favorite sweater.

This need not be the case. My HR Pros is a company that helps businesses focus on the direction they are going, keeping their eyes on the road rather than fighting constant distractions trying to grab the wheel. Please don’t hear me wrong; hiring employees helps with growth, output, and efficiency, but companies go farther with My HR Pros.

“Hire employees; they said… you’ll be able to go on vacation; they said.”

There is so much work that comes with having employees. Many of these tasks keep people away from why they went into business in the first place! There is so much to the HR world that it would be impossible to successfully run a business, learn it all, and keep up with the constant changes. There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. In reality, ignorance is expensive because the DOL, OSHA, and other agencies do not take ignorance as an excuse.

To keep businesses compliant, My HR Pros is a team of roughly 60 experts in the various focus points in the HR world. To give you an idea, we are talking Payroll, Safety and Health, State and Federal Laws, Employee Benefits, and much more! With this expertise, we have walked alongside businesses for a fraction of the price it would take to hire another full-time HR assistant. It’s a beautiful thing to grow a business, save money, and stay out of trouble.

I love how surprised people get when they see how affordable it is!

You may be asking yourself, haven’t a lot of companies already hired an HR manager and did not need My HR Pros? I’m happy you asked because many of our clients did have someone processing their payroll and those pesky HR tasks, but now that person gets to focus on bigger-picture projects! There is a lot that we can help with retention, but I dream that owners and HR staff would be free to identify the people who need training, invested in, and promoted to further the company’s mission and values. If you are in the same boat as most businesses, you are trying to lean up your processes.

Imagine what internal HR teams can do that they are currently not doing. They are not developing policies, coaching managers, and responding to emails because they are doing payroll and fighting unemployment claims. All this while investigating why someone got a boo-boo on the production floor. For companies that are tired of having these tasks on their plate, they can put them on My HR Pros’ plate.

But wait, there’s more! (I’ve always wanted to say that)

My HR Pros isn’t just your typical HR outsourcing company. We are your HR outsourcing family. I mean that literally because the business has been owned and operated by the same family since its founding in the mid-90s. The story starts with twin brothers who saw the work ahead after a massive storm and tornado ravaged their community. With all the rebuilding and new vision, many businesses helping with construction couldn’t focus on the plethora of projects because they were already capped on time before the storm. The twin brothers were running a CPA firm, and everyone was pleading with them to help with much more beyond accounting. They formed what we now call My HR Pros, and the Arkansas River Valley was able to focus on getting things back to even better than before.

Flash forward

Fast forward to today, our reputation has spread word of mouth across the nation. Sure, you can google “payroll” and find your bigger companies. Just the same, you can google “Soft Drink” and find Coca-Cola. For our clients, we have been that hidden gem that they want to tell their friends about. Our goal is to continue bringing our family of HR Pros to every state and have it become a household name. We see value in our services, but our bread and butter are the professionals behind them. More than just handling the nitty-gritty of HR tasks, our goal is to improve the quality of life for Business owners and HR Staff. Allowing them to focus on their vision, family, and what they hold close to their hearts.

Would you or anybody you know want time freed up to advance above competition?

My HR Pros would love to serve!


Written by: Chris Magness, Business Advisor


For questions or additional information contact us! | (800) 940- 8706 | |

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