
HR Can Help Prevent Employee Burnout

Burnout can be a significant issue for workplaces. It can cause workers to be unproductive, have low performance, and be at risk for workplace injuries. However, Human Resources professionals can help prevent employee burnout with awareness, training, and workplace policies.

According to CBS News, staying at work late and completing work tasks on the weekends can have an emotional toll on employees. This emotional toll could result in them feeling stressed and working harder to do the same work. Companies can end up losing talented employees and revenue because of burnout. Human resources professionals should always keep an eye out for the red flags of burnout among their employees. When it comes to workforce governance, HR needs to understand specific burnout facts to prevent workers from feeling fatigued at work.

Here are three things every HR professional should know about worker burnout:

  1. Burnout can happen to anyone

According to Business Management Daily, thinking that top performers aren’t vulnerable to burnout can be a mistake because job strain can happen to any workforce member. Every employee is at risk of experiencing burnout at some point, Business Management Daily noted. Workers who aren’t as skilled as their counterparts may start to feel strained when they try to catch up with their peers and develop their abilities. Key talent can feel overworked by taking on additional work or the most challenging clients. HR professionals need to understand all types of workers can feel burned out.

  1. There are different types of burnout

The Washington Post reported there are various levels and types of burnout. According to the Post, there are precisely three types:

  • Underchallenged burnout happens when workers feel they aren’t developing professionally
  • Worn-out burnout occurs to employees are at a point where they no longer want to work anymore
  • Frenetic burnout is when staff members are overloaded with work

The type of burnout can differ from worker to worker. Certain types of burnout require specific coping mechanisms and prevention techniques. For instance, frenetic burnout can be avoided by regular feedback from employees about their workloads.

  1. Too much stress can be a health hazard

Employers are becoming more aware of their healthcare costs, and unhealthy workers tend to be more expensive than their healthy counterparts. According to a study by researchers at Yale University, stress can shrink the brain. Stress can also lead to depression, anxiety, overeating, and heart disease, according to Business 2 Community.

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