
Growing Your Business in 2022: Marketing

I think every business owner can agree that growing your business is important. We all want to reach more people, have more impact, and ultimately make more money. But how do we grow our business in 2022 when so many markets are saturated? Let’s discuss marketing and how it will help your business grow in 2022!

What Is Marketing?

There have been so many definitions of marketing through the years, but for this article, I like how HubSpot defines marketing – “the process of getting people interested in your company’s product or service.”

Marketing is promoting your business, not just promoting to a broad audience but to your ideal customer. (Do you know who your ideal customer is? If not, stick around for the section “Marketing Plan.”)  Market research must be done to understand said ideal customer and their interests.

Why Marketing?

Peter Drucker once said, “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two — and only these two — basic functions: marketing and innovation.”

People won’t understand what you are selling if you don’t market.

It isn’t a small part of your business; it touches every aspect of your business. What you put out helps form the opinion someone has of your business. What do you think of when you think of Nike? How about Doritos? Apple or Microsoft? No matter your opinion on each of these brands, the steps they have taken to market their business have helped form your opinion about them.

The opinion that someone has formed about your business will determine if they want to buy from you or not.

Good marketing equals trust gained. As you show your customers who you are, you will not only gain customers but will also sustain your relationship with your current customers.

This is why it is crucial to come up with a marketing plan for your business.

Make a Plan

Take your marketing plan as seriously as any other part of your business plan. Don’t just throw something out there and hope it will stick. Be prepared. Make a plan. Be intentional.

Just like what we referenced earlier, if you don’t know who your ideal customer is, that is your first step. Identify who you want your product in front of. Semrush has some great examples of what that can look like for you.

In order to create and execute a plan, there are two things that you can do:

  1. You can do the research yourself. There are so many articles and videos online that can help you move toward a plan.
  2. Hire a marketing professional. This can be outsourced or in-house. Professionals already know how to do market research to help you reach your ideal customer.

No matter which way you decide to go, know that when you take marketing seriously, it will always pay off!

Here at My HR Pros, we don’t just offer payroll and HR. We strive to offer resources to help you grow every part of your business. If you are looking for help with your company’s marketing, reach out and we will likely be able to point you in the right direction!

Written By: Lauren Nichols, Marketing Coordinator

For questions or additional information contact us! | (800) 940- 8706 | |

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