
10 Ways to Build Employee Engagement

What are the benefits of building an engaged workforce?

There are many benefits to building an engaged workforce. Compared to unengaged employees, engaged employees tend to be more productive, stay with the company longer, help improve customer satisfaction, and help boost the bottom line.

What are the consequences of having an unengaged workforce?

Unengaged employees are less invested in their work than engaged employees. As a result, businesses with unengaged workforces face negative consequences. These consequences often include lower productivity and a rise in turnover rates.

What are the factors that contribute to high engagement?

Some people think that money alone will keep employees motivated and engaged, but that is not the case. Studies have shown that money is not a key contributor to employee engagement. Different people are motivated by different things, but some common factors tend to drive up engagement. Those factors include recognition, meaningful work, effective communication, and chances for employees to leverage their strengths.

How can supervisors help boost employee engagement?

  • Set clear expectations.
    • If employees understand what their employers are expecting of them upfront, they will be less likely to get frustrated at work. They will be more likely to perform well and feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • Reward and recognize employees for a job well done.
    • Reinforce positive behavior and send a message that hard work is valued.
  • Communicate frequently.
    • Effective communication includes listening to employees’ concerns and keeping them informed. Employees feel empowered when they are “in the know,” which helps enhance morale and engagement.
  • Do not let problems fester; address them as soon as possible.
  • Provide ongoing feedback.
    • Do not reserve feedback for annual or semiannual performance reviews. Millennial employees, in particular, tend to crave frequent input on their performance.
  • When feasible, ask employees for their input.
    • Implement employees’ ideas, or when it is not possible to do so, tell them why. Ask them about their goals and aspirations, and find ways to help accomplish them.
  • Connect employees with mentors to support their career development.
    • Suggest training or development opportunities to help them grow within the organization.
  • Give employees the tools and resources they need to perform their jobs well.
  • Create team-building opportunities.
    • Employees will feel more invested in the organization if they have a good rapport with their coworkers and feel like they are part of a team

Here are 10 easy things you can do as an employer, supervisor, or manager, to build employee engagement:

Do you:
  • acknowledge employees’ accomplishments and recognize them for a job well done?
  • listen to employees’ concerns and address those concerns?
  • communicate changes and updates to employees in a timely manner?
  • address problems promptly—before they escalate into bigger problems?
  • provide feedback to employees regularly?
  • ask employees for their ideas and implement those ideas when possible?
  • encourage mentoring or reverse mentoring opportunities?
  • promote opportunities for employees to improve and learn new skills?
  • give employees the resources they need to perform their jobs well?
  • provide team-building opportunities for employees?

Contact us for more information | (479) 474-7752 |

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